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Private Fostering


Private Fostering

Private fostering is the term used when someone who is not a parent or a 'close relative' (e.g. great aunt, cousin, mum's friend or a neighbour) is looking after a child or young person under the age of 16 (under 18 if they are disabled) for 28 days or more in their own home. It also covers children who stay at a residential school for more than two weeks of the school holidays. 

A relative is defined in the Children Act 1989 as a grandparent, uncle or aunt (whether by full-blood, half-blood or by marriage or civil partnership), sibling or step-parent.

If you know someone that is privately fostering you will need to refer that individual to Children’s Advice and Duty Service (CHaD) on 01782 235100 for an assessment.

To understand more about Private Fostering, please watch our short animated video:


Additional information:
CoramBAAF have produced a helpful Advice Note Private fostering (England and Wales). There is also a guide written for children Private fostering: what it is and what it means.

Private Fostering Information for Parents and Carers