

Multi-agency Safeguarding Children Procedures - The web link for West Midlands Regional Safeguarding Children Procedures website will become live on Monday 3 March 2025.  We are working closely with Trix to ensure that the new website includes information from our current procedures that are specific to the West Midlands and that all procedures are compliant with Working Together 2023. To access the procedures, please click on the following link: westmids-stokeontrent.trixonline

The Stoke-on-Trent Safeguarding Children Partnerhsip are in the process of reviewing the multi-agency policies and procedures.

Below is a list of the documents which have been reviewed and adopted by the Safeguarding Children Partnership. This list will continue to be updated regularly:

Safeguarding Policy Templates

Safeguarding policy template for private or voluntary organisations If you would like to request this template as a Word document, please contact

Child-on-Child Abuse policy template for education settings. If you would like to request this template as a Word document, please contact

Stoke-on-Trent Whole School Safeguarding Policy Template 2024/2025. For Education Settings Only. If you would like to request this template as a Word document, please contact