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Safeguarding arrangments

Stoke-on-Trent Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements (MASA)


Multi-agency safeguarding arrangements (MASAs) are the statutory framework for the protection of children from abuse, neglect, and exploitation. The core objective is to foster collaboration among local organisations and agencies, ensuring a cohesive and effective response to children and young people at risk of harm. Robust communication, seamless information sharing, and tailored service delivery to promote the welfare of children are all key elements to an effective multi-agency safeguarding response.

For each local authority area in England there are three statutory partners. The Lead Safeguarding Partners In Stoke-on-Trent are:

  • Jon Rouse Chief Executive Stoke-on-Trent City Council
  • Peter Axon Chief Executive Officer Staffordshire and Stoke Integrated Care Board
  • Chris Noble Chief Constable Staffordshire Police

Operational delivery of the MASA is delegated to:

  • The Corporate Director for Children and Family Services, Stoke-on-Trent City Council
  • Chief Nursing and Therapies Officer, Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Integrated Care Board
  • T/Detective Chief Superintendent, Staffordshire Police

Stoke-on-Trent Safeguarding Children Partnership are required to publish the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements, which have been updated in response to revised statutory guidance Working Together 2023.